Flying lessons in Scotland out of Perth Airport! We are offering vouchers for 30, 40 and 60-minute trial flights in two and four seater aircraft from this fantastic airport you might also know as Scone Aerodrome, just northeast of Perth.
No commercial flights operate out of Perth, so this Scottish airfield is entirely dedicated to pilot training, flying lessons, maintenance and other aviation-related activities. That means your lesson will take place in a world that's specifically set up for training.
Your pilot will greet you on arrival and run through the aircraft safety briefing. Once comfortable in the cockpit, it's time to wave off your family and friends watching and head up into the skies of Perth, flying over farmland and Scotland's mountainous terrain on your very first lesson in flying.
From your privileged viewpoint in the cockpit, you'll love the views of The Fair City below, as the River Tay winds around the town and you spot Scone Palace, St John's Kirk and the famous Whisky mills.
As well as sightseeing in this stunning part of Scotland, there will be plenty of time for you to have a go at flying the plane yourself when your pilot hands you the controls mid-way through the lesson. This is the moment you will be actually flying the plane!
Based centrally, Perth Airport is easy to get to from all over Scotland. For flying lessons with a difference, why not make a weekend of it and book into the Skylodge B&B on the airfield site? There's also the Aviator Cafe and Restaurant at the aerodrome to keep spectators fed and watered too.
And if you do decide to continue with your training, these flying lessons in Perth can be added to your training pilot log book, so they count towards your flying hours when studying for your licence.
Two Seater Restrictions
Four Seater Restrictions