This is your call for flying lessons from Humberside Airport! Fly from this bustling international airport in North Lincolnshire, with 30 and 60-minute trial flights available in two and four-seater aircraft.
With a thriving cargo, charter and General Aviation client base, Humberside's airport near Grimsby is the real deal and it’s a superb place for learning to fly, with lots of aircraft movements, seven days a week, all year round.
As your lesson unfolds, everything will be explained to you. Ready for take off? Then it's time to line up the nose of the aircraft with the centre line of the long tarmac runway at Humberside Airport. This is where your lesson in the art of flying starts proper.
Smoothly pushing the throttle all the way in, holding the nose steady until reaching near takeoff speed, your pilot will start to pull the steering yoke back and then there's that magical moment when you feel aircraft's nose lift off the ground - and before you know it you are being eased into the air.
Once the plane is levelled off (and you've caught your breath!) there's no time for gawping out of the window at the estuary and the Lincolnshire countryside around the airport, this is a real flying lesson!
So, having witnessed that slick take-off, it's over to you. You’d think a move like a gentle descent would be easy, but you'll soon find out it requires you to lower the power and decrease the pitch. All good? Then how about trying a climbing turn? This is where the mantra 'more right rudder in right turns' and 'less left rudder in left turns' comes in!
You will learn a lot and see a lot during these flying lessons out of Humberside Airport. Isn’t it time you booked a lesson to get into the skies above Lincolnshire for that flying feeling?
Conveniently located providing easy access from major towns: