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Helicopter Lessons Bournemouth

What Can I Expect

Say hello to helicopter lessons out of Bournemouth! This school offers lessons in four-seater helicopters from the bustling Bournemouth International Airport, with the gorgeous Dorset coastline as your backdrop.

We have vouchers for 30 and 40-minute helicopter lessons, as well as a landaway adventure, which give you two flights (and outward and return) and more time at the controls.

This Bournemouth-based team uses Robinson R44s for helicopter training. The R44 has a long-standing reputation as one of the best four seater trainers used worldwide. Before you get to see these flying machines up close, you'll have a pre-flight briefing and meet your pilot instructor who will be hosting your experience.

Once the safety briefing is done, you will head out to the helipad, which is, conveniently for your friends and family who want to watch, right in front of the clubhouse on the civil aviation side of Bournemouth Airport.

As you go through the pre-flight checks, you will learn what each of the controls does. With the rotors turning, you'll be high above the airport before you know it. The main flight path is to head directly towards the Dorset coastline, routing down along the beach. If you live locally, an itinerary might be possible that allows flying over your house.

All flight durations are based on from when the rotors start turning, to when they come to a halt and including any hover time (which is the one thing every budding helicopter pilot is eager to experience!).

All Bournemouth helicopter lesson experiences include 'hands on' time when you will be learning how to control the helicopter yourself. If you are really taken with helicopters, lesson time counts towards your PPL-H licence that you can carry on with at this friendly school in a wonderful part of Dorset.

What's Included

  • Trial flying lesson in a 4-seater R44 helicopter
  • Pre flight briefing and safety checks
  • Once airborne you will be given as much ''hands on'' flight time as possible
  • Landaway flights provide two 20-25 minutes flights - land at another airfield (generally Compton Abbas, Sandown or Lee on Solent), have a short break before flying back to Bournemouth
  • One observer may be able to enjoy the lesson from the rear seat, at the pilots discretion and subject to weight restriction
  • Complimentary premium gift packaging from Into The Blue

When Is It Available

  • Lessons are available from June 2024
  • Weekday and weekend dates throughout the year
  • Flights are subject to availability and weather conditions


  • Bournemouth Airport, Dorset

Suitable For

  • Maximum height is 6ft 4ins
  • Maximum weight limit is 16 stone


  • Spectators are welcome to come along and view your flight
Helicopter Lessons Bournemouth

  • Helicopters at Bournemouth International Airport
  • This heli school has an excellent reputation
  • Four-seater Robinson R44s are used for lessons
  • See the Dorset country & coastline from the air


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