Get ready to take out the enemy when you play Battle Archery! This outdoor shooting game is a bit like a ye olde ancient version of paintball. Instead of paint splattering guns, you'll be armed with an archery bow shooting foam arrows and you'll head off into the battle field of Bristol on missions and scenarios.
Situated mid-way between Bath and Bristol, you will be battling it out for archery supremacy in Keynsham, at an outdoor wildlife and adventure park. That means there's loads of space for you to run around and fire off those foamy arrows and generally let off lots of steam with this fun outdoor game.
Before being let loose in the game zone proper, you'll be ushered into the training zone alongside other trainee battle archers. Here you'll be kitted out with an arm guard and a full face mask, which, as well as protecting you, gives you that rather nifty undercover ninja warrior look. The marshal team's first job is to show you how to load up the arrow and then fire. Once you've got the hang of the archery bit, the paintball-style challenges will be explained to you.
The idea of the archery-fuelled battle is that a group of you (usually up to 45) will be battling it out on the fields, attempting to succeed at various tasks that have been set. You'll need to keep your wits about you to keep across what's happening at all times and keep an eye on who might well be creeping up on you with a fully-knocked foam arrow ready to be fired.
We must say at this point that, unlike sometimes with paintball, these archery arrows don't sting or make a big, messy splat, meaning over 16s and all builds can enjoy a battle archery session at this Bristol-based venue.
It's time to throw caution to the wind, ditch those inhibitions and go storming around the scene of the conflict with abandon, shooting arrows as you go. And you can be as reckless as you like with the foamy arrows - they're unlimited. So by the end of your battle archery game, we fully expect the ground to be littered with the things. Proof of an excellent skirmish for sure!